FamBridge Solution for Power of Attorneys, Executors and Family care givers

FamBridge Solution for Power of Attorneys, Executors and Family care givers

The FamBridge booklet is your solution for family preparedness!

Completing and storing your vital information in your FamBridge booklet will take less time than you might think. We supply the questions and you just have to complete the answers.

It is your life therefore easy to compile your details, keep in a safe and secure place for future reference https://www.fambridge.com.au

Your Will does not generally include all the finer details of everyday living.

Would your power of attorney or executor know where to start carrying on your daily life for you or sorting and finalising your affairs?

We often think we will let the family know our details, or we may have a few things written down, but accidents and sudden illness may prevent us from passing on all the information they will require.

By purchasing and completing your copy of the FamBridge Booklet, you will save an enormous headache by providing to your family the necessary details required.

Executors & Powers of Attorney/Family caregivers:

  • Having the FamBridge book at their side will allow the person responsible the ability to carry out their duties and your wishes with much more ease than having to spend days and weeks or sometimes months and years tracking down your assets and liabilities, sorting and closing off accounts and direct debits.

It is a difficult time to have a loved one lose capacity and unable to look after themselves or when they pass away but to then have to turn around and gather up and work through all the accumulated paperwork to make sense of your life or worse still being locked out of online accounts and possibly no records because they are unable to access a device or your email account where you receive your online bills.

We can help lessen the burden contact us today for a confidential conversation.

Visit our website, send us a message and we can certainly give you a call back to discuss in more detail how our booklet can help you and your family be prepared.

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