About Us

Having adult children made me realise how important it is to provide them with the information they would require if something untoward happened to me.

Even though I have over 40 years of experience working in office administration, predominately as a tax administrator in accounting firms, losing loved ones opened my eyes to the complexity of life and what needed to be taken care of.

After losing some close family and a few quite suddenly, unfortunately there was no starting point regarding the accounts held in their name. Documents and notices in drawers and boxes which needed piecing together. The FamBridge idea began to grow and led me to thinking how I can help others with the burden that can be left behind, and with the support of my family became a reality in 2020.

The process of being involved in winding up their estates I found to be extremely draining, time consuming and the uncertainty of knowing if everything had been accounted for at a very traumatic time.

There are so many benefits to having a completed FamBridge ® family preparedness portfolio not only a time and cost savings but peace of mind for families at a distressing time.

Generally, as family and friends we do not often have an insight into what accounts a person may have in their name. This is highly confidential and sensitive information, from what bank they may deal with, assets they own, electronic media and devices, business dealings, down to having their pet insured. 

There are so many benefits to having a completed FamBridge ® family preparedness portfolio not only a time and cost savings but peace of mind for families at a distressing time.

This is a starting point for them. To help families avoid the excessive amount of time and or costs that can be involved in sorting through paperwork and correspondence.

Once completed it will contain your personal information for you to leave with your personal papers, or with your Lawyer and advise your Executor/s of its existence.