What happens when a family member suddenly becomes ill!

What happens when a family member suddenly becomes ill!

What happens when a family member suddenly becomes gravely ill and how the FamBridge Portfolio becomes a vital part of caring for someone with their daily accounts and bills.

Now that FamBridge has launched an online version of the portfolio we have a product to suit everyone. Whether you love to write things down and keep your records in your bottom drawer or go online and complete your form and save it to a USB, the easy format of questions and prompts is for you to answer what is relevant to you. The questions asked are based on our lives in Australia and are the same in both the book and online versions.

No matter our age young or older, single, married or partnered we all have life admin responsibilities and there is much more involved that needs to be taken care of when a loved one becomes ill or sadly passes away. Don’t leave your family wondering how or what they need to do, supply the details and make a traumatic time a little less stressful for your loved ones.

In the past few months, my Partner Pat was diagnosed with a very rare form of Cancer. Not only did this send us into a very emotional merry go round trying to understand what has happened and what will happen in the future.

A long story short we didn’t know what Pat’s outcome would be if he would make it through this unbelievable myriad of examinations, tests and treatments.

Quite thankfully Pat had completed his FamBridge portfolio book not thinking we would need to use it so soon in his life of 60 years.

As he went into hospital for treatment and was extremely unwell, I not only had to take over all the household running but became the full-time caregiver and as cancer has affected his eyes and unable to drive that became my job. Not being comfortable with long-distance driving and driving into the city of Melbourne, it took lots of inner strength on my part to conquer and thankfully I have.

Pat had a few streaming accounts that he was not utilising at the time and as these were all on direct debits, I was able to grab the details from his FamBridge portfolio and suspend those direct debits to save on money being eaten up over the past few months.

I feel reassured in the fact that my small business which we created for people and families was put to the test at a time of upheaval and was comforting to know we were not spending money on items unnecessarily at a time of big costs with all our travel, accommodation and the innumerable number of drugs he is on.

Pat has responded well to his treatments, and he does have a very long road in front of him as he will be undergoing a Stem Cell Transplant in the next few months. His eyesight is not expected to return to normal, so we are still adjusting to that change in lifestyle for us both.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding how to complete the portfolio and how it will be a great addition to your estate planning.

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